Top Volunteer Activities that Look Good on College Applications


进入你的No. 大学是一场竞赛, 一个固体, goal-oriented record of community service is an essential part of your 大学投资组合.

Your record of civic participation gives admissions officers a glimpse into your character, 你的动机, 以及你成功的潜力. Along with your academic achievements, test scores, and recommendations, those qualities can 帮助你的应用脱颖而出 通过向学校展示你自己:

  • 活跃的. Going above and beyond the classroom and school extracurriculars shows you are committed to having a positive impact on the real world. 
  • 充满激情的. Focusing your service in an area you care about—志愿服务 at a hospital if you are interested in pre-med, for instance—conveys your passion and reflects your commitment to it. 
  • 有组织的. Your ability to juggle your service and keep your grades up demonstrates that you are a productive and efficient time manager. 

The bottom line on 志愿服务—whether through student-led clubs, 服务天数, or fundraising for causes you believe in—shows that you are willing to “walk the walk,而不仅仅是“说说而已”,当涉及到让你的社区变得更美好时. 

大学重视这一原则. And admissions officers give added weight to long-term service with measured impact, 比如你筹了多少钱? 你帮助建造了多少房子? 你帮助过多少饥饿的人? 

What Are the Best Volunteer Opportunities for College Admission Criteria?

A 调查 of college admissions officers found that 92% value long-term local service more than a short overseas project. “奉献是真正的衡量标准,一名警官说, noting that applicants who not only take the initiative to effect change but also are deeply committed to it stand out among their peers. 


Long-term civic engagement to improve lives and strengthen communities can help fund your college careers as well as burnish your application’s credentials. Some funding sources (and links to volunteer opportunities) are: 

  • 格洛丽亚·巴伦青年英雄奖 honors 25 middle grades and high school students annually for their inspired public service. Its 2021 award recipients included students who founded sustainable 饥荒救助, environmental, public health, women’s empowerment, and other initiatives. 
  • 西格尔美国服务队教育奖 为完成学业的学生提供奖学金 美国志愿队志愿服务 在卫生保健等领域, 文化保护, 经济机会, 环境管理, 灾难服务. 
  • 此外, 志愿服务, 无论服务类型如何, 有显著的个人好处:减轻压力, 改善身心健康, 提供一种目的感, 并加深现有的和新的关系. 

When thinking about potential long-term, goal-oriented activities, consider fundraising. 找一个与你的激情相匹配的非盈利事业 “慈善导航,然后使用 全国荣誉协会为一项事业筹款 worksheet to organize your drive, and create an online site to raise money. 

The 推荐正规买球平台® Resource Hub is also a great place to find virtual and in-person volunteer opportunities for kids in 小学的成绩初中和高中. 

What Other Benefits Can You Gain from the Best Places to Volunteer for College Applications?

Getting involved in civic service can help students gain valuable, future-ready skills. 

志愿者接受培训并承担责任, 哪些有助于为未来的成功奠定基础. 不管你是在用锤子砸  人类家园 网站,筹集资金 动物收容所, or keeping records at 食物银行, that service looks great on an early version of your résumé.

The Best Volunteer Programs for College Applications to Broaden Your Horizons

社区 service connects you with like-minded people who share 你的动机 and passions as well as with others you might not meet otherwise. 一些新的经历可能会让人心碎, 比如在临终关怀医院服务, 食物银行, 或者诊所, 但往往会激发观点的转变, 让你更有目的性和自知之明.

志愿服务 with activists and political campaigns offers uniquely exciting opportunities. 除了能看到他们是怎么跑的, you will also have the opportunity to make lifelong connections with movers –and shakers who can show you their paths to success.

将艾薇, 大学招生顾问, includes among its community service ideas for high school students: 

  • 青少年危机咨询师. You know better than others that teens are under constant pressure. 作为一个学会了如何管理压力的人, showing others how you handle it may help them overcome academic anxiety, 害怕融入, 还有家庭问题. 向你的学校查询服务机会. 
  • 慈善活动主持人. Leverage and strengthen your leadership skills by organizing a fundraising event for a cause you care about. Finding sponsors, getting the word out, and making sure all the “Ts” are crossed takes a lot of work. It gets easier after the first one and hosting one each year you’re in high school will help your application shine.
  • 环境研究. Local and state environmental-services organizations are always collecting meteorological, 野生动物, 土地利用数据. Ask how you can become a storm-spotter or an observer to help them achieve their missions.
  • 导师. Helping peers develop academic and social skills is an ideal way to serve your community by serving individuals. 你的服务有助于公平竞争. 同样,向你的学校询问机会的想法. 

How Do Students Find Time for Volunteer Programs for College Applications Opportunities?

A rigid school schedule could put the squeeze on the amount of time you can devote to volunteer activities.

在线学习, 然而, provides the flexibility needed to fit civic service into the learning schedule, ensuring there’s not only time to give back to the community in ways that appeal to college admissions officers, 同时也有助于丰富学习经验. 

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